Access Control Systems

6 ways Cloud Access Control enhances security in 2024

Hand scanning a biometric commercial access control card reader
6 ways Cloud Access control enhances security in 2024

1. Mobile Convinience

Just as your smartphone offers more than just calling capabilities, cloud-based access control provides similar adaptability for your business security needs. Picture managing customer data or documents from any device, anywhere, without being tied to specific platforms. With cloud access control, you gain the flexibility to oversee your building security effortlessly, even while on the move.

This translates to real time-saving benefits.  Forget:

  • Being restricted to a specific computer for managing users
  • Wasting trips to the office due to forgotten keys
  • Rushing to open doors for after-hours events or deliveries
  • Dealing with key safes or cumbersome keychains

Cloud-based access control simplifies it all. Grant access remotely, eliminate key-related hassles, and concentrate on what's essential – managing your business. Picture the flexibility – receive security alerts, regulate user privileges, or unlock doors – all effortlessly managed from your smartphone.

2. Reliable Management & Maintenance

Imagine never having to worry about server maintenance, software updates, or system downtime again. Cloud-based access control offers a paradigm shift, leaving the burden of managing the system to the experts. Here's how it benefits your business:

Focus on your business: Our team handles the entire service, from software and hardware to server management. This frees up your IT resources and allows you to focus on what you do best – running your business.

Unmatched reliability: Cloud solutions boast industry-leading uptime, exceeding 99.9%. No more settling for "good enough" security – you get a future-proof system backed by secure data centres and 24/7-365 monitoring.

Reduced costs and risk: Eliminate the need for expensive on-site servers and software. Cloud-based access control operates under a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, where we take care of everything – infrastructure, updates, security, and management. This translates to lower costs and minimised risks for your business.

Effortless updates: Say goodbye to time-consuming IT maintenance tasks. Just like your smartphone updates automatically, so does your cloud-based access control system. Our team stays ahead of the latest security threats, ensuring your system is always protected.

With cloud-based access control, you gain the power of a robust security system without the IT burden. Focus on what matters and let us manage the rest.

Mobile Application on Cell Phone in Hand

3. Ditch the Keys, Embrace Advanced Security

The era of cumbersome keys and the persistent concern of lost or duplicated access is now a thing of the past. Cloud-based access control offers a leap forward in security, providing several key advantages:

  • Modern defense: Unlike traditional lock-and-key systems, cloud access control leverages cutting-edge technology to safeguard your facilities. This means no more vulnerabilities associated with physical keys.
  • Expert-backed security: You gain the expertise of security professionals who constantly monitor and update the system to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.
  • Real-time control: Enjoy the power of instant credential revocation. If an employee leaves or their access needs change, you can effortlessly remove their privileges, ensuring only authorised personnel have access.

Our three-pronged approach guarantees the highest level of protection for your business:

  • Unbreakable encryption: Our communication channels utilise industry-leading encryption standards, mirroring what banks use to protect sensitive data. We employ robust encryption algorithms and long key lengths to keep your information safe.
  • Triple redundancy: Critical system components have built-in redundancy. This means if one element encounters an issue, a backup takes over seamlessly, minimising downtime and maintaining security.
  • Rigorous audits: We undergo annual SOC 2 audits by independent security specialists. These comprehensive assessments ensure our systems meet the strictest security standards.

With cloud-based access control, you have the opportunity to abandon the outdated key system and adopt a security solution that is future-proof.



4. Real-time Data for Instant Action

In today's fast-paced business world, waiting for reports is a luxury you can't afford.  Cloud-based access control delivers the power of real-time data, giving you immediate insights into your security posture. Here's how it empowers your business:

  • Instantaneous awareness: Gone are the days of waiting for monthly reports. Cloud storage allows you to access critical data anytime, anywhere. See who enters or attempts to enter your facility, all in real-time.
  • Enhanced security: React swiftly to potential security breaches. Real-time alerts notify you of suspicious activity, such as door tampering or unauthorised access attempts. This allows you to take immediate corrective measures and minimise security risks.
  • Improved decision-making: Gain valuable historical data through comprehensive activity logs. These digital records serve as a vital resource for audits and investigations, helping you identify trends and develop preventative security policies.

With cloud-based access control, you gain a powerful tool for proactive security management.  Make informed decisions based on real-time data and ensure the safety of your facilities.


5. Integrations

Cloud-based security solutions allow you to find new ways to incorporate security services into other applications that you use. The beauty of this comes from what is referred to as an API. What can companies do with an API? You can use it to connect your digital businesses to the physical world. The largest application is synchronising identity and credential data between databases and users. Companies can manage access control from within their own platform and offer it to their customers, vendors, or employees.

For example, one integration with a cloud-based access control system could be with your current HR system. Anytime a new employee joins your company, they are automatically granted access to your facilities. As a result, you no longer have to login to two different systems to get new employees set-up. The same goes for revoking access when an employee leaves or a contractor’s project is completed.

Here's how APIs transform access control:

  • Streamlined identity management: Synchronise identity and access data across your systems. Imagine new hires automatically gaining access upon joining your company – no more managing multiple platforms! The same ease applies to revoking access when employees leave or projects end.
  • Enhanced security with video integration: Stop wasting time sifting through video footage. Connect your access control system with video surveillance to pinpoint specific events or suspicious activity. This powerful combination saves time, resources, and strengthens your overall security posture.

6. Scale up Security as Your Business Grows

As your business thrives, your security needs evolve too. Cloud-based access control empowers you to seamlessly scale your security alongside your growing company. Here's why it's the perfect fit:

  • Effortless expansion: SaaS technology offers inherent scalability. Adding new locations, doors, or even securing specific areas within your existing facility – a breeze! Whether you're opening a new branch across town or securing your executive offices, cloud-based access control adapts to your needs.
  • One platform, endless security: Manage everything from a single, user-friendly interface. No need for complex hardware setups or juggling multiple systems. Add doors or entire buildings with ease, maintaining complete control over your security infrastructure.

We understand that growth is essential. That's why our cloud-based solution scales with you. Add as many locations, doors, or mobile credentials as needed – we've got you covered. Focus on running your business and leave the security scaling to us.

Upgrade to Cloud-based Access Control today!

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