Alarm Monitoring 

Get 24/7 security coverage and the quickest possible response when you need it with Alarm Monitoring as part of our Monitored Security suite.

Intruder Alarm Monitoring: How Can You Be Sure You’re Getting the Quickest Possible Response? 

Intruder Alarm Monitoring connects your business security system with our two certified Alarm Response Centres. Here, a team of highly trained operators can cover your business premises 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. 

At Securitas Technology, we can professionally install systems to confirm an alarm using sequential confirmation. In the event of a confirmed threat, we can respond as quickly and safely as possible, saving you the hassle and the need to put yourself or any of your employees at risk.  

We are also ECHO connected, meaning in areas of the country where the system is available, we can pass confirmed alarms straight to the police electronically without having to make a phone call. With Securitas Technology's monitoring suite, we can monitor your Intruder Alarm System, Fire Detection, and other alarms.

Learn more about how Alarm Monitoring works


Security experts providing tailored remote video monitoring services with AI-powered tools
Key Feature

Safe and Simple Way to Reduce False Alarms

Frustrating fact: most alarms that go off are false alarms. Your intruder alarm system may have been triggered by somebody who doesn’t know how to deactivate it or simply by sensitive detectors. It's a nuisance that causes some users to not activate their system at all. False alarms can even result in a fine for your business in repeat cases.  

Our Alarm Response Centre can help you reduce false alarms without compromising the protection you receive from your business security systems. This can be even more effective when you combine information from your Intruder Alarm System with CCTV footage for video verification, which is also available as part of our Monitored Security suite. 

Options With CCTV

Video Verification

Video Verification can add another layer of reliability and efficiency to Intruder Alarm Monitoring.

Operators in our Alarm Response Centres use the information from your Intruder Alarm Systems and CCTV footage to confirm and respond as quickly and safely as possible*. With CCTV Monitoring, even after the call has been sent to police, the operator can continue to review the footage to provide exact details of what is happening on your site. 

*you will need an intruder alarm system with a URN (Unique Reference Number) assigned by local authorities. 

Video surveillance monitoring system.

Other Alarm Monitoring Services 

Speak to our friendly experts about remote monitoring for your other essential alarm systems. 



Advantages of Intruder Alarm Monitoring 

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Get Started With Securitas Technology Alarm Monitoring