Proactive Screening for Your Business
Security at your business has come to mean so much more than physical safety; it now includes the health of your employees and visitors. Mitigating the risk of exposure to viruses and other illnesses is essential to any organization - which is where Securitas Technology comes in. Our advanced thermal temperature screening systems provide a range of solutions to help you protect the health of your people.
The Screening Process
approximately 30% of the subject’s face must fill the field of view
depending on your device, the subject typically must be 4-12 feet from the thermal camera
the location of the scans should be in a controlled environment

Thermal Temperature Screening in Your Industry
- Manufacturing & Logistics - protect your employees and product by utilizing thermal cameras for your manufacturing or warehouse facility
- Healthcare - screen patients and visitors to help provide the best timely care possible and avoid the potential of cross-contamination
- Transportation - see thermal imaging at airport choke-points, depot stations and other transportation facilities
- Education - help protect your students and staff from illness and provide an extra layer of security to your building
Helping to Mitigate the Risk of Exposure
Organizations today are operating under intense pressures as they work to implement and maintain effective safety policies for the screening of employees and visitors who are returning to the workplace. With this urgency mounting, businesses worldwide are turning to innovative technologies to enhance screening practices and security protocols - including Securitas Technology’s thermal temperature screening solution. Though thermal imaging technology has been available for some time, its popularity rose due to COVID-19. Our proactive solution can not only help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 exposure in your workplace today, but also serve a broader purpose in the future as your business re-evaluates your access control, visitor management and other advanced screening solutions.

The Advantages of Thermal Temperature Screening
Precise Measurements
Our solution detects elevated skin temperature using a fixed heat source to maximize accuracy.
Fast, Automated Screening
The system quickly detects a face, finds the most reliable spot to measure and displays a pass/fail alert.
Easier Social Distancing
Enable safer social distancing while providing the same accurate performance as a temporal thermometer.
Increased Cost-Effectiveness
A range of prices are available to meet your particular requirements, and we’ll work with you to find your most effective solution.
Experts in Thermal Temperature Screening
Our experienced security technicians will take the pressure of installation and configuration out of your hands. We can integrate your thermal temperature screening solution with all of the elements - which may include cameras, reference heat source, software and more - needed to get your system up and running as quickly as possible.
STANLEY Security is proud of our ability to provide thermal temperature screening solutions across multiple industries. We have the expertise to install thermal temperature screening systems in warehouses, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, educational buildings and campuses, retail stores and more.
We help you find solutions to today’s challenges, but we’re also focused on the future. We develop our systems with a broader purpose in mind - we’ll help you install a thermal temperature screening solution to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 exposure today, while also helping you integrate your new system into your long-term security strategy.
Our experienced security technicians will take the pressure of installation and configuration out of your hands. We can integrate your thermal temperature screening solution with all of the elements - which may include cameras, reference heat source, software and more - needed to get your system up and running as quickly as possible.
STANLEY Security is proud of our ability to provide thermal temperature screening solutions across multiple industries. We have the expertise to install thermal temperature screening systems in warehouses, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, educational buildings and campuses, retail stores and more.
We help you find solutions to today’s challenges, but we’re also focused on the future. We develop our systems with a broader purpose in mind - we’ll help you install a thermal temperature screening solution to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 exposure today, while also helping you integrate your new system into your long-term security strategy.
Thermal cameras can identify elevated body temperatures and can alert your organization if a person’s temperature exceeds a set threshold - such as 100.4°F, the CDC’s definition of a fever - which can enable your security personnel to decide if additional action is necessary. This allows your business to be proactive in detecting elevated body temperatures of people entering your facility, adding an extra layer of screening and protection for your employees and workplace as a whole.
Thermal imaging cameras are designed to detect and measure the invisible infrared radiation emanating from objects, frequently referred to as a “heat signature.” The hotter an object is, the more radiation it releases. The thermal camera sensor array will detect infrared frequencies and convert the data to electronic signals, which can then be viewed as colored images that vary with the level of heat being emitted. When used for human temperature screening, the thermal camera measures the heat signature of the person being screened, and alerts the system if an elevated skin temperature is detected.
Thermal temperature screening is most effective in key access points to your business, including lobbies and hallways. Take a look at our blog post for more information about where and how to set up a thermal temperature screening solution.
Human temperature screening devices come with various compliance considerations, installation requirements and other regulations that your organization will need to consider. Here are some important considerations:
- Review and work to understand any industry-specific guidelines
- Be aware of all governmental regulatory requirements that could affect how you use your system
- Keep in mind any legal obligations as you evaluate and process temperature data
- Review, understand and follow federal guidelines applicable to your business
No, there is no thermal camera that can diagnose COVID-19. Thermal temperature screening can detect human temperatures with varying degrees of accuracy, and related software can allow notifications or alarms to be issued in the event a person’s temperature exceeds a set threshold. Furthermore, someone infected with COVID-19 can spread the disease without having symptoms such as a fever. Thermal cameras aren’t intended to and cannot diagnose COVID-19 or any other medical disease or virus.