Security for Commercial Offices (Advice for All Business Sizes)

Business security is vital in protecting people and giving them peace of mind to flourish at work and drive companies forward. But it can seem confusing and overwhelming to consider what your business needs to create a safe and welcoming environment.
In this article, we’ll focus on the core needs for safety and security in commercial offices, broken down into the following sections:
- The post-pandemic landscape of security for commercial offices
- Commercial security for small to medium-sized offices (eg, estate agencies or accountancy firms)
- Commercial security for large offices (eg, call centres)
- Security for Commercial Offices: Advice for building owners and landlords
- How to secure your commercial office today

The post-pandemic landscape of security for commercial offices
It probably goes without saying now that the COVID-19 pandemic completely shifted the landscape for commercial offices, in how they’re used, and certainly how they must be protected. Since initially closing due to nationwide lockdowns, there has been a considered effort from business leaders to reimagine working patterns.
The current data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest that hybrid working is here to stay for many, with the proportion of workers hybrid working rising from 13% in early February 2022 to 24% in May 2022.
84% of workers who had to work from home because of the pandemic said they planned to carry out a mix of working at home and in their place of work in the future.
What does this mean for security in commercial offices?
Even in the face of so much upheaval of staff, the core of business security in commercial offices remains the same – protection of people and vital assets. However, the application of security technology has evolved, with many companies implementing new systems to help them maintain a safe and welcoming environment for staff (whatever their work patterns) and visitors alike.
There is, of course, the added layer of meeting your own business needs, which may include remaining compliant with specific regulations or insurance requirements. You may also be looking for a more efficient way to manage security operations to make them more convenient and even more cost-effective.
Hopefully, this article will help business owners, facility managers, or indeed commercial landlords to navigate this new landscape and secure their commercial offices with the right solutions.

Commercial security for small to medium-sized offices (eg, estate agencies or accountancy firms)
Security for small to medium-sized businesses can often fall under the list of responsibilities for business owners or managers who are likely to have other important priorities. That’s why it is key for any security solution to create a safe environment without impacting heavily on their day jobs.
This category could include any independent business that operates an office or studio with space for up to 20 employees on-site – for example, estate agencies, accountants, or solicitors. Here are some of the most common and essential security systems adopted by these types of companies:
- Fire Detection – To protect staff and comply with Fire Safety Regulations in the UK. This may already be installed if you occupy space in a commercial office building.
- Intruder Alarm System – To safeguard vital assets outside of working hours or when the office is empty. At Securitas Technology, we include 24/7 professional security monitoring as a standard for intruder alarm installations. Again, this may already be installed and managed by the building owner if you occupy a space in a commercial office building.
- CCTV & Video Surveillance – For protecting staff and vital assets, it’s important to gain visibility into what’s always happening in your office.
- Access Control Systems – To help protect staff on-site and prevent access to restricted areas for unauthorised people.
There is one other important consideration to make about business security if you operate a small to medium sized office. Firstly, is this your only office or one of many in multiple locations? Multiple locations mean multiple facilities to manage, usually with different contractors too. If have a centralised Facilities Management team it can be quite a task for them to liaise with all of their contractors across different areas – we have seen many clients who have experienced this exact pain.
The solution is to work with a single provider like Securitas Technology, who will be able to install, maintain, and monitor all your systems from one place. You can also rely on our two UK-based professional monitoring centres to support your workplace safety and security operations, giving you more time to focus on growing your business.
Monitored security can be particularly beneficial to smaller offices like estate agencies, where one person who may be opening and closing. Not only can our alarm response centres cover your business 24/7, they can also receive alerts if an alarm isn’t set or unset before a time set by you. Imagine the peace of mind this could give to office managers and area managers who cover multiple sites.
Monitored security doesn’t have to stop at safeguarding your office either, we have clients who benefit from our solution for personal protection as well. This helps to give peace of mind to employees and a rapid response whenever they need it, all in a handy smartphone app.
Never heard of professional security monitoring? Find out more here.

Commercial security for large offices (eg, call centres)
Security for larger commercial offices can be more challenging, simply because there are more people to manage – although workplace safety remains a top priority, you may also need to strategise for protecting data and other vital assets. It is also likely your business will need to welcome more visitors and outside contractors on-site, which adds another layer of complexity.
This category covers businesses that operate offices that can hold up to 100 people for example. The likelihood is that you’ll occupy a single floor or multiple floors in a commercial office building – for example, call centres.
Here are some of the most common and essential security systems for large offices:
- Fire Detection – To protect staff and comply with Fire Safety Regulations in the UK. This may already be installed and managed if you occupy space in a commercial office building.
- Intruder Alarm System – To safeguard vital assets outside of working hours or when the office is empty. At Securitas Technology, we include 24/7 professional security monitoring as standard for intruder alarm installations. Again, this may already be installed and managed by the building owner if you occupy a space in a commercial office building.
- CCTV & Video Surveillance – For protecting staff and vital assets, it’s important to gain visibility into what’s always happening in your office.
- Access Control Systems – To help protect staff on-site and prevent access to restricted areas for unauthorised people. Contactless readers (smartphone or biometric) can create a smoother experience for staff, while Cloud Access Control Systems can make it easier to manage from anywhere.
- Visitor Management Systems – To create a welcoming and frictionless environment for visitors to your site. This may already be managed by the building owner if you occupy space in a commercial office building.
The duty of managing security in these offices often falls on a site manager or facility manager. The sheer number of staff, visitors, and access points can make this a full-time responsibility for a single person, which is why integrated systems and remote security services can be vital. Call centres also operate around the clock, so your security systems and so the people supporting them should too.
At Securitas Technology, we can help by monitoring and responding to alarms, and managing access for people at your office at any time (staff and visitors alike).
Learn more about Cloud Access Control here.

Security for Commercial Offices: Advice for building owners and landlords
By now you’ve probably noticed some common needs for security in offices of all sizes. This final section focuses on commercial office buildings where you are the building owner or a commercial landlord.
The key challenge for commercial property owners is ensuring their site is secure, safe to use, and well-maintained. The right security solution can help with these needs (as we’ve seen above), but the added layers of complexity and responsibility make professional security services all the more valuable.
The most common and essential business security systems for commercial offices are listed below, it is important to note where the area of responsibility for some systems has changed when you’re the owner rather than a tenant.
- Fire Detection – To protect staff and comply with Fire Safety Regulations in the UK. This is essential for all commercial buildings.
- Intruder Alarm System – To safeguard vital assets outside of working hours or when the office is empty. At Securitas Technology, we include 24/7 professional security monitoring as standard for intruder alarm installations.
- CCTV & Video Surveillance – For protecting staff and vital assets, it’s important to gain visibility into what’s always happening in your office building.
- Access Control Systems – To help protect staff on-site and prevent access to restricted areas for unauthorised people. Contactless readers (smartphone or biometric) can create a smoother experience for staff, while Cloud Access Control Systems can make it easier to manage from anywhere.
- Visitor Management Systems – To create a welcoming and frictionless environment for visitors to your site. The role of managing the flow of people through your commercial office can be a big challenge, made all the more complex if you are a landlord with multiple tenants. Combining cloud access control and visitor managing systems can make this easier and create a smoother entry process.
Let’s face facts, commercial office building owners want to know that their site is a safe environment for workers and that their security systems are all running smoothly. As well as professional installation, we can monitor the health of your systems remotely, making it easier to record vital data and know when maintenance is required.
As mentioned above, outsourcing the management of your access control systems can considerably reduce your workload, while the same could be said for helping you manage welcoming visitors to your office – especially outside of office hours.
How to secure your commercial office today
The process of securing your commercial office can start today. You just need to reach out to speak to a Securitas Technology expert.
We’ll be happy to offer all the advice and guidance you need, as well as taking care of installation to the required standards. As discussed, we can also provide essential services to help make managing your office security more convenient, helping your staff to stay focused on growing your business.
We can help you maintain a safe and compliant commercial office environment.