Make Your School Safer and More Efficient With Real-Time Location Systems

Real-time location systems (RTLS) empower educational leaders to get the most from the essential tools, from lab equipment to smart technology, for teaching in the modern classroom. Keep reading to learn how RTLS can enhance school safety and create efficiencies, and how you can leverage grant funding for your school.
K-12 Schools
Delivering a high-quality educational experience in a safe and secure environment, while also managing efficient operations, is a priority for many educational leaders. The ability to locate equipment in real-time allows schools to:
- safeguard assets from loss
- ensure proper preventative maintenance
- create a stronger operational structure, and
- support quality teaching
For example, asset management technology can be useful for managing mobile classroom air purifiers, ensuring timely HVAC maintenance with automated alerting, or locating interactive smart boards and laptops.
Higher education
Many institutions of higher education serve as beacons of research and inquiry. Sensitive data, lab equipment, and research specimens are natural byproducts of the research many universities oversee. Many of these operations require manual intervention, such as checking lab temperatures to ensure proper testing environments, to avoid costly electrical failures or human error.
School security solutions, such as 24/7 environmental monitoring, offer colleges and universities a way to proactively manage and monitor individual lab environments. If temperatures go above or below a predetermined threshold, alerts are escalated to ensure timely response and early correction. Humidity and voltage can also be tracked and analyzed as well.
Leverage American Rescue Plan Funds to Support RTLS
The American Rescue Plan provides an opportunity for educational institutions to invest in technology providing safer, healthier, and more efficient learning environments.
Our experts can help you invest your portion of the funds in technologies, like RTLS, creating a safer and healthier learning environment Connect with us to get started today.
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